It’s cool to see Yahoo! posting a job for pattern curator:
CURATE THE YAHOO! PATTERN LIBRARY Yahoo!'s Platform User Experience Design team is looking for a new curator for the Pattern Library. The curator works with designers from across Yahoo! to develop new patterns and to eventually migrate a pattern to the public library. You will be responsible for spotting trends in the designs of our properties, for designing and crafting new additions to the library and for evangelizing the authorship of new patterns among your Interaction Designer colleagues. You will partner with our Platform Presentation Engineering team to create interactions and best practices that accompany the UI Widget Library. Additionally, you will own the external Public Pattern Library and develop the pattern lifecycle from internal to external libraries. And last but not least, you will be the spearhead and driver for a new addition to our Library suite - a new Terms Library and will work closely with our internal editorial team.
Patterns will become more important to organisations as companies realise there’s value in concrete advice based on real-world examples, to complement vague mission statements with stuff people can actually use day to day. This will be aided by the general trend towards wikis and more user-friendly document evolution. For several years now, Yahoo! has been using patterns in this more holistic sense, and the ad for a pattern curator suggests they’ve been more than happy with the results.