talking about location in UX. random tidbits at this session follow …

apparently mozilla looked at location based preferences

location relevance depends on time. some of it highly real-time based and “useless” afterwards, dopplr based on the future #uxcamplondon

great locations, in human terms “the cheapest pub near me” “the away match” #uxcamplondon

“home ground advantage”: knowing about your own area helps you, e.g. living near football stadium, you don’t go shopping. (discussion about “match day” conditions on parking restrictions - which sport, what match, is today a match day???)

mapumental - good example of embodying tacit knowledge locals have

kevin lynch - talks about legibility of a city. e.g. NYC cnr of 5rd and 27th. easy. whereas london - easy to get lost, which is maybe why postcodes are so specific, to compensate. Ireland doesn’t have a postcode system outside Dublin (wot?!)

Will there be laws to prevent discriminating based on location? Companies like BT and Royal Mail have social obligation policies.