It’s now ten years since I completed my PhD, “Design Reuse in Human-Computer Interaction and Software Engineering”. I completed the bulk of the report (compiled from earlier papers, but with a lot of tidying up and tying together) in early 2001, submitted it for review (by two external judges) in May, received the feedback in August, revised it and submitted it on September 7. I received a balloon at some point and went to the pub with some PhD buddies and one of our supervisors.
For the first time, here is my PhD online:
I’ve sent it on request, but never got around to publishing it. I was told early on you’re required to make five copies of your PhD because five people will ever read it (Your supervisor, your other supervisor, your reviewer, your other reviewer, and your mum), so I never thought much of the actual thesis document. The papers are really more concise summaries of individual components. But I never did a postdoc, so some things in there never got published as individual papers. And it’s good to have it out there anyway, instead of sitting in a library.
I learned a lot about research and its presentation, but I also learned early on that an academic life was not for me. I’m glad I worked on something I was able to use as a practitioner during and after the PhD.