Wolf Logan’s talking about paleosocial patterns (TOOLS Web 2.0 Patterns workshop). Very cool.
Marking - making permanent, public, marks. Dog marking its territory, “I was here” graffiti. e.g. blog comments, forums, guestbooks. Being obnoxious gets the comment noticed more.
Pointing - indicating resources to others, can be with opinions. Reputation will dictate how much people care. e.g. Reviewing/rating sites, Digg.
Competing - comparing self to others, ranking is dynamic Some people approach competition for their own value; others for their social value. Special case of marking - marking yourself - but with an element of objective measurement e.g. online gaming sites, xbox live, popularity contests.
Storytelling - describing sequence of events, often about yourself Different stories for different social groups e.g. blogs, journals, youtube
Grooming - small, ritualised, social interactions - can happen quickly and without much planning, Culturally bounded. Repeated frequently depending on relationshps. “Purring” - e.g. “how are you?” - don’t care, but it’s the purring that happens that makes it a grooming behaviour. The info transfer doesn’t matter, just that the event happened. e.g. friending, twitter, majority of IM content
Hunting - tracking, locating, acquiring resources. Serendipity plays a big part. Successful hunting leads to pointing - tell people what you found. e.g. web search, link following.
Wolf points out hunting and grooming are always the two critical patterns that are noted.