Flexbox in 5: Fab Flexbox Tutorial

Nice interactive playground and tutorial on Flexbox. I previously wrote up about my experiences with Flexbox. It’s a huge revolution in layout for the web, very much true to its name. And that said, missing a few tricks, which I...

Server-side rendering of Single Page Apps

In the simplest case, a Single Page App is merely an empty HTML body with JavaScript and template elements used to bring the page to life. Web developers have begun to re-consider this starting point for SPAs. Even if an...

Global ID

Rails recently introduced Global IDs. It’s a very simple but potentially very powerful concept, and one I haven’t come across before. The format is: gid://YourApp/Some::Model/id i.e. a combination of an app, a type, and an ID. e.g. “Twitter User 114”;...

What happened to Web Intents?

Paul Kinlan: The UX .. killed it especially on desktop, we hit a huge number of problems and the choices we made designing the API that meant we couldn’t solve the UX issues without really changing the way we built...

Comparing Fire TV to Android TV

Having recently played with Amazon and Google’s TV devices, I believe both work great and complement each other well. There’s overlap, but also a lot of unique and useful features of both makes a good case for going with both...