Speeding up Rails tests with Spring

I found Rails tests were running slow, these things helped. Instrumenting application.rb First, I added some logging to application.rb [ruby] def logg(m) puts “#{DateTime.now} #{m}” end logg ‘require boot’ require File.expand_path(‘../boot’, FILE) logg ‘done’</code> [/ruby] The main bottleneck was bundling...

Chrome’s new user switcher is a major design regression

I rely on profile switching completely for day-to-day use. I have my personal Google account, Google apps account, a sandbox account for testing in clean-slate, a company account, support account, account for Google Play, account with read-only access to some...

Time spent in mobile apps considered harmful

TechCrunch reports on time spent in mobile apps. Saying users spend X time on these kinds of apps sounds like the best way to gauge engagement, but caution advised. This is a useful figure for apps like Facebook, whose revenue...

“But we have ping pong tables”

As competition for developers heats up, companies are falling over themselves to attract the best talent. A common tactic is to offer perks, probably because someone heard Google offers free food and maybe because it sounds appealing to a manager...

Google’s Many Marketplaces

Google’s Many Marketplaces While Play is an “all-in-one” store for Google, there are numerous marketplaces or catalogues from Google, defined as resources where third parties may share content for other third parties to consume. Here’s a crowdsourced list, courtesy Twitter....