This has been a while coming, but I made a little “yet another modal dialog lightbox JQuery plugin” thing this week.
Demo and Download for Modal Dialog - JQuery Plugin
It was driven by TiddlyDocs, but I’ve been wanting one anyway for a while. Mostly because lightbox libraries generally do some hocus-pocus on page load, like applying to everything marked rel=”lightbox”, but don’t let you dynamically produce the lightbox yourself. That’s fine for pages that are just a static image gallery, but not useful to someone building a dynamic web app.
I’ve subsequently used nyromodal, on good advice, but wanted something smalller and with a simple API for my main use case, which is just showing some text.
The plugin also simplifies work by not requiring you to install a separate CSS file. Doing that, and linking to it, as well as installing any images, is something that always slows me down when I want to start using a graphical client. In keeping with the “happy path” You-Aint-Gonna-Need-It (YAGNI) mantra, I’d rather keep a library to a single Javascript file - be evil and do styling in the library by default, but still support users who want to put custom CSS in a stylesheet.