I’ve been blogging about some of my own projects lately, but wanted to capture/announce/disclose/link a few other things I’m please to be involved in:

  • I’m now a technical advisor to MinuteBox. I’ve been singing these guys praise since I discovered the product at SeedCamp last year. The concept is so damn useful and the founders are capable of delivering on it, so I’m proud to be associated with it.
  • Judged for Node Knockout. Did so in its inaugural year in 2010, and again this year, now from the perspective of someone who’s Noding daily. My votes.
  • Judged for HTML5 Open Call, for GDD Russia. HTML5 Canvas and SVG galore! Actually, it was great to see an upswing in SVG use…really, it has a lot of benefits over canvas in some cases, and it seems people are beginning to see it.
  • Mentoring at SeedCamp next week, as I did last year. Looking forward to seeing what’s new, and I’m pleased to have made lasting connections at the last event (MinuteBox being one of them).
  • Mentoring at GammaRebels next week (remotely). Looking forward to this event too. Polish startup community is thriving right now.