Here is an example of a self-documenting REST response. Ideally every API call should let the developer append a param like help=true to get details such as calling context, documentation links, examples, and related/further calls that might be made. Of course, those additional URLs also include the help=true to ensure hypertext-powered API browser surfing is possible (Further calls might also be part of the response in some cases, following the HATEOAS model.)

[javascript] { type: ‘post’, id: 123, title: ‘How to make pancakes’, … # other normal response stuff … # some calling context help caller: { type: ‘user’, id: 789, name: ‘happyjoy’, role: ‘member’ }, # general docs link docs: ‘’, # usage examples for this particular resource examples: [ { url: ‘’, explanation: ‘get post 123’ } { url: ‘’, explanation: ‘get only metadata for post 123 (omits the description)’ }
], # calls related to this particular resource related: [ { comments: [ { url: ‘’, explanation: ‘get comments for this post’ } ], owner: [ { url: ‘’, explanation: ‘get author details’ } ] editor: [ { url: ‘’, explanation: ‘get editor details’ } ] } ] } [/javascript]